
The balancing act continues

Evening attire preferred.
Dancing shoes required.
Mask is optional.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Merrie, a drive-by, beautiful blog and beautiful writing. Thanks

Brandon Barr said...

Hey Merrie,

Just stopping by your site. I love all the fun pictures you've got up!

Rats! I wanted to go the the fantasy fiction tour too! I didn't know Rebecca went. I should have moved things around and just gone! It's not that often something like that comes to SoCal...

Hope you had a great Christmas!


Merrie Destefano said...

Thanks, Kim! What a lovely comment and I appreciate the blog visit.
: )

Merrie Destefano said...

I'm sorry you missed the Fantasy Fiction Tour event in Huntington Beach. It was pretty fun and it would have been great to meet you.

Thanks for dropping by my site!
Blessings on your writing adventure!