Becky over at A Christian Worldview of Fiction tagged me for a meme. We'll see if I'm up to the task. I'm so blog-rusty that I don't even have any blog-friends. Sigh.
I may be breaking the rules, because one of my picks is from ABA.
I’m going to list five MUST Read novels and five Keep Your Eyes on These novels, then tag five bloggers who I’m asking to post my list on their site. They may then add one book to each list but must also subtract one book. Finally they should tag five other bloggers, link here at Alien Dream, and comment to this post so visitors here know to check out how they may have changed the list.
My additions are in bold. Hee hee.
Five MUST Reads:
Demon: a Memoir by Tosca Lee (NavPress)
Broken Angel by Sigmund Brouwer (WaterBrook)
To Dance in the Desert by Kathleen Popa (Cook Communications)
The Restorer by Sharon Hinck (NavPress)
Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge (Tor)
Five Keep Your Eyes On These:
Scarlet by Stephen Lawhead (Thomas Nelson)
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson (WaterBrook)
Auralia’s Colors by Jeffrey Overstreet (WaterBrook)
The Hunted by Mike Dellosso (Realms)
The Legend of the FireFish by George Bryan Polivka (Harvest House)
Shade by John Olson (B&H)
Field of Blood by Eric Wilson (Thomas Nelson)
Conspiracy in Kiev by Noel Hynd (Zondervan)
Stepping into Sunlight by Sharon Hinck (Bethany)
Hero, Second Class by Mitchell Bonds (Marcher Lord Press)
The bloggers I’m asking to post the lists (and make one book-for-book change to each list if they wish):
Mark Goodyear
Mike Dellosso
Sharon Hinck
Hey, Merrie, I'm your blogger friend!
Thanks for playing along. No, I didn't specify a particular association the publishing house needed to affiliate with, so your selection is fine.
It's going to be fun to see how these lists end up.
I like your added five, the ones about to come out.
Thanks, Becky! I guess I meant, I didn't know anybody who wasn't already playing. Or maybe I meant, I'm more a lurker and no one knows I'm there most of the time . . .
And hey, Mike Dellosso already posted his list! What a great guy.
I'm jumping to from Becky's post. I haven't heard of your coming soon ones, (some), but I'll look into them. I'm adding that category to my post at Creative Madness.
It's a cool, meme, huh? Now I have a list of books to check out. Many I've read already, but there are a few that I haven't heard of and then some I haven't purchased yet, but have been meaning to.
Books. Books. And the love of books. That is the unending dilemma. (But a good one.)
Thanks for stopping by!
Whew! I'm never good at these tag games (I'm clutzy at embedding links and find it WAY to easy to fritter away the time I ought to be using to write - LOL!)
BUT I was so honored and grateful to see my name, I just HAD to play.
My switcharoo is up at my blog.
thanks, Merrie!
Thanks for playing, Sharon! I'm pretty meme-clumsy myself and usually get all the details wrong, but this one was pretty cool.
I can't wait to see all the books you have chosen over at your site!
And I am so looking forward to your trip to the West Coast. I'm going to have to post about that soon.
Thanks for stopping by and for playing our game!
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