
The Secrets of the Universe

Well, today is the Big Anniversary: Alien Dream is one month old! Yippee! [Applause, crowd cheering, the unrivaled effervescence of Diet Coke cans opening all across the jam-packed coliseum.]

Below are some of the shocking and yet intriguing statistics.

Some of the Google searches that led my bewildered, yet hopefully, appreciative audience to this site:

1. Aliens and monkeys
2. Shocking video
3. Monkey shocking video
4. Old testament space
5. Sell my DNA
6. Scary story seacreature
7. How is the old testament like a bookshelf [that one is my favorite]
8. Alien dream
9. Dream pirates
10. Abduction by alien dreams
11. Alien abduction heartbeat

Hmmmm. Interesting.

The countries where those visitors live:
[Please note: none of them are from Mars. Yet.]

U.S., Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, Austria, Morocco, Belgium, India, Germany, UK, Australia, Spain, South Africa and El Paso.

Wait. I think El Paso is in the U.S. It might even be in the fearsome STATE that has been invaded by monster spiders and the legendary bloodsucking Chupacabra.

And depending on which program I use, here are the low-down-and-dirty numbers:

Visits: 543
Page hits: 1,258

Visits: 569
Page hits: 1,612

Congratulations, Alien Dream, all readers near and far, all four legged creatures (because they are almost always cute), and all aliens (because without them, where would I be today? Without a blog, most assuredly.)

Thanks for dropping by and please, be sure to wipe your feet on that small dwarf alien in the corner. It makes him feel like he's part of the family.


Unknown said...

That last bit had me laughing so hard I nearly fell out of my chair.

Congrats on your anniversary. Keep up the good work.


Merrie Destefano said...

Thanks, Selena!

My dwarf alien will be pleased to learn that he made you laugh. I just hope it doesn't go to his rather small and almost invisible head. I can just imagine how he might act up at our next party.


Becca Johnson said...


Congrats, Merrie! :D

-Becca Johnson

Merrie Destefano said...


We'll see what happens at the Two Month Anniversary. Maybe I'll have cyber hors d'oeuvres and alien fortune cookies.

Thanks for stopping by and posting, Becca! Have a great end of the summer!